Art by @mooreaux.


Name: Ianthe pyr Visellia
Age: 31
Height: 6 fulms, 5 ilms
Pronouns: She/he/they.
Namesday: 8th Sun of the 1st Astral Moon
Birthplace: Northern Ilsabard

At first glance, one could mark Ianthe as a soldier from a malm away. She's lean and muscled, although she's fallen on times far too hard to maintain her previous musculature. She's slender, and her clothes fit her frame with space to spare. Regardless, she cuts an imposing figure in full armor: she's of average stature for a full-blooded Garlean, but she stands head and shoulders above many Eorzeans.More striking is the face beneath the helm. Ianthe has soft, strawberry blonde hair and gentle, downturned green eyes marred by a ragged scar through one lid and brow. If there was damage to her eye itself, it's been meticulously repaired. Her lips are full and rose-pink. If she were to wear her hair longer, she might as well have the face of a fairy-tale heroine or a theatre's leading lady. Instead, she's cropped her hair short and bulked her frame.As if in protest of that cherubic little face, a series of tattoos run down her skin, covering both arms as well as large portions of her chest. Their wearer has ever been loath to explain what they all mean. Can't they just be for fun, she asks? Perhaps, but the marks look like far more than that.

I’ll tell you this: I am the only part of winter left.

-- Jill Osier

Roleplay Hooks

I. Primaevitas

Other Garleans who grew up north of the capital and along the coast might recognize Ianthe from a smaller town centered around a large civil port. Although her career demanded an apartment in the capital, she's spent much of her time on leave in her hometown, or traveling back and forth.

II. Bona Aetas

According to the latest remaining records, Ianthe pyr Visellia had a promising career before the Empire fell. She held the rank of optio, second in command of a small infantry unit in the Sixth Legion. Uncharacteristically for infantry, many of their records are heavily redacted, and their deployments are not limited to one province. She's been far afield, and far beyond locations controlled by the Sixth. You might recall that face from Doma, Ala Mhigo, Dalmasca... perhaps Azys Lla?

III. Perdurantes

Like many other Garleans from the capital, Ianthe is currently spending much of her time in Sharlayan. She's taken many a trip away, however, and occasionally to once-controlled lands like Dalmasca and Ala Mhigo. Perhaps you've encountered her during one of her adventures, or even unhidden her third eye. Attitudes to defectors vary, if she's even seen as a defector...

IV. Praesens

Bereft of the Empire's infrastructure, Ianthe often has need of others who have previous experience with magitek. She's open to paying whatever coin you prefer, or bartering. One way or another, arms and armor need service.

The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.

-- Wilfred Edward Salter Owen

Out of Character

About Me

Hi! I'm Griff! I write a varied cast of lesbians that I inflict on the Balmung populace. I'm 26, so I won't write with minors. I'm down for most genres of RP, but I love adventuring, occult/paranormal, and writing about in-universe gender/sexuality. I mostly RP on evenings and weekends. (I'm a fulltime employee and a fulltime student, so my schedule can get wild!)

About This Character

My knee-jerk reaction to Garlean characters is probably the same as yours. Because of that, I think it's worthwhile to be explicit about what I'm writing and why. I'm a leftist, and I find Garlemald to be very comparable to America, from war crimes to imperialist expansion. That's where Ianthe comes from for me: her story is about growing up in a society with values and systems directly in contrast with your personal values. How do we cope with that, and what do we do? So she's not an over-the-top horror villain, and she's also not a soft sweet bean boi. If you think about her as you think of a US veteran, you'll see her how I see her.Anyway, you may not care about that at all. Here's what I will and won't do while writing her:


- Getting into arguments.
- Not getting into arguments. She's likelier to be friendly than hostile.
- Filling the Generic Villain role so your guy has someone to punch.
(Please ask me before you punch her, though.)
- On an OOC note, I love to DM stuff!


We'd need to chat OOC and pre-plan these.
- Starting the arguments, esp. with Ala Mhigan / Doman / Dalmascan OCs.
- Any woe-is-me scenes focusing on the Garlean refugee situation.
- Premade relationships, including negative ones. I'm down, just ask.

Hard no.

These are OOC boundaries from me as a writer.
- IC racism. It's lore-abiding, but I'm not willing to be the one to deliver that for your character.
- Serious gore, sexual assault, etc.
- Garlean experimentation stories. I know these villains can be fun, but she's not the right character for it.

Interested? Drop me a line.

Discord: griff#0384
Twitter: Sohm_al